Media that's important to me

Heaven Will Be Mine, by Worst Girls Games. steam, itch genuinely one of the most powerful pieces of art i've ever experienced , please play it . this has permanently changed the way i think and the way that i exist in the world . you can also see the second half of my own playthrough of Luna-Terra's route on my youtube channel i forgot to export the first half :(

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. official YouTube streaming let me know if this link ever goes down, as i also have a torrent i can share.

The Parade of Slurs, by i am error. youtube

Hot Allostatic Load, by porpentine. publication an extremely potent expose of transmisogyny and porpentine's experience as a disabled trans woman. not for the faint of heart .

American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism, by Nancy Ordover.

Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability, by Robert McRuher. group this with the previous entry; know our history and our present.

The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto, by Vikki Storm and Eme Flores. the anarchist library i don't really believe in gender accelerationism anymore , but it has made a significant impact on me and my life , and i do still believe in some of the theory . there's a lot of truth in here , to me .

to be continued